Turn Any Skill Into $135,200/ Year Freelance Business… That Guarantees To Replace Your 9-5 Job In 90 Days!

Discover how to hijack work from top freelancers and turn your skill or side hustle into a thriving business that makes $11,266/month from anywhere in the world… without any reviews or startup capital to invest!

Work on your own rules

Imagine Quitting Your 9-5 Job In The Next 90 Days, While Earning MORE Money Than You Do Now

If you’ve freelanced before – or even thought about doing it – you’ll know the benefits:

No boss. No set hours. No being chained to your desk.

You can work whenever you want, from anywhere in the world.  While making 100% profit. 

Sounds too good to be true, right?

That’s because, for most freelancers, it is.

The harsh reality is that 50% of freelancers fail in the first year… and 80% fail within 3 years.

Very few make enough income to quit their jobs and become globe-trotting digital nomads.


Because 99% of freelancers have no idea what they’re doing. They aren’t sure where to find clients… don’t know how much to charge… can’t manage their time effectively… and lack the ability to scale their business.

That’s why so many give up and return to their soulless corporate jobs. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be YOUR fate.

Because our Freelance Mastery course makes becoming a freelancer faster and easier... and it guarantees your success!

Building A Successful Freelance Business Is Hard… Our Freelancer Mastery Course Makes It Easy (& Fun)

What if you didn’t have to suffer through your first year of being a freelancer?

What if you could skip countless hours’ worth of trial and error… 

Follow a proven system that’s been used by 1,027+new freelancers with zero prior reviews and average skills…

And build a thriving freelance business that makes enough money to quit your 9-5 job in the next 90 days?

That’s exactly what our Freelancer Mastery Course is designed to do.

You don’t need a portfolio, reviews, or freelance experience to get started.

You don’t need to take any risks or invest a bunch of money to set up your business either.

You just need a laptop, a skill people are willing to pay for, and the dedication to follow our step-by-step system.

1027+ People Have Used Our Framework To Quit Their 9-5 Jobs And Earn $10,000s/ Month Freelancing

The best self-help app I've ever come across! From meditation, to advice, to intellectual growth - Alux brings it all on a platter! Very well thought out. With such a combination, you're bound to see the results! (If you consistently apply what is being offered.) And with that, Progress is just inevitable.

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The best self-help app I've ever come across! From meditation, to advice, to intellectual growth - Alux brings it all on a platter! Very well thought out. With such a combination, you're bound to see the results! (If you consistently apply what is being offered.) And with that, Progress is just inevitable.

Becca A.
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Alux is the best I have ever paid for. It’s full of knowledge, history and bold truths that would probably be very difficult to find out on your own. They teach everything you need to know about money. I start my early mornings with my daily Alux wisdom. Food for the brain. I tell everyone i know about this app, because they teach you everything you didn’t learn about money and other things in school. Awesome, meilleur, fabuloso app. The best money you can spend, is the money you invest in yourself it pays dividends.

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So far the most life changing apps that I found, Packed with highly valuable lessons that you'll never found anywhere else. I been following Alux for 5 straight years and I never get bored watching there videos ( highly educational ) and the App is worth investing.

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The app actually helps by a lot, I wake up each day opening the app first thing in the morning excited on what new lesson I will learn and apply to the people around me so far. I bring positivity and happiness to the people around me and they notice it. It’s nice brightening up other peoples lives. Hope this app reaches people to those who need a little bit of purpose in life.

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Hugh Simpson
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I have been following Alux for more than 4 years and believe me it has change me to next level. Always thrives me to do better and push myself. Sunday motivational videos are best at it's timeless wisdom. Rewarding BONUS at end of videos are like cherry on a cake. This makes me feel a PROUD ALUXER. "It's Alux, the place where future billionaires comes to get inspired."💪❤️

Verified User

I think this app is very helpful in letting you think about how you can change you life to be the best person you can be and ways how to improve your life to be a better you.

Tom Koester
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Hero Video Poster

The Fastest And Easiest Way To Turn Your Existing Skill Into A 6-Figure Business…

  • Get Started With $0 Upfront

    Start your freelance business with zero upfront costs. Just grab your laptop, a phone, and an internet connection. It's as low-risk, high-reward as it gets.

  • Use Skills You Already Have

    You don’t need to go back to College to become a freelancer – we’ll show you how to turn an existing skill into a thriving 6-figure business (even if you’re only ‘average’ at that skill!).

  • Earn $14,000+ In The First 90 Days Guaranteed

    If you don’t earn at least $14k within 90 days of completing Freelancer Mastery and implementing our system, we’ll hand back every cent you paid.

  • Make Money Doing Something You Love

    Stop wasting away life in your 9-5 prison sentence… kickstart a wildly successful freelance business and get paid to do something you truly enjoy!

  • Follow An Easy Step-By-Step System

    Our plug-and-play system shows you everything from getting your first client… to raising your prices and dominating your industry!


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

First-Time Freelancers Are Out-Earning Seasoned Pros Using This Unique Framework!

Cosmin Graphic Designer

$200K With his graphic design freelance business

Patrick Business Owner

Makes 100k year and only takes him 30h week to keep the business running

Andrea Artist

Got her first client within
5 weeks

Meet Your Instructor: Serial Entrepreneur And Secret “7-Figure Side Hustler”

Freelance Mastery is not some generic course filled with recycled content from business books or YouTube…

And it’s not an untested “guru theory”, created by an armchair expert trying to pay off their Lambo lease.

It’s a proven framework that’s been carefully constructed by our “7 Figure Marketing Agency Owner (CEO of XARI) that started as a freelance designer making only $600/month.

He built his business up to $160K+/year, then scaled it up to a 7-figure company within 2 years

You can skip years or even decades of hard work and follow the exact same system to out-earn even the most experienced freelancers…

And bring home up to $11,266/month doing something you love!


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

By 2027, The Majority Of The Workforce Will Be Freelancers…

We are experiencing one of the biggest societal shifts in human history.

Corporate America is losing thousands of 9-5ers every single day…

As more and more people transition to a freelance lifestyle so they can control their own time and make money from anywhere in the world.

You can either re-invent yourself and learn how to freelance, join the wave of people escaping the 9-5 rat race, and unlock an income of $135,200/year...

Or you can stay in the same job you’re sick of, working your ass off to make someone else rich.

You don’t need anything to get started except your laptop, an internet connection, and a skill you already have.

You don’t even have to be particularly good at that skill… we can still show you how to turn it into a wildly successful career.

If it doesn’t work, ask for a refund and we’ll give back every cent you paid.

Sign up now and unlock the freelance lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of!


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

Freelance Mastery Consists Of 4 Value-Packed Courses…

Freelance Mastery

  • Strategies to avoid the common mistakes of new freelancers

  • How to get more clients than you can possibly handle

  • Craft your story to stand out against experienced freelancers

  • Build a portfolio that ‘magnetizes’ dream clients

  • Pricing tips and how to charge more for your work

  • Plus MUCH more!

Mind Mastery

  • How to take control of your emotions and deal with the stress that comes from freelancing

  • Use the power of meditation to maintain a laser-like focus

  • Deal with negative thoughts and calm your mind

  • Unlock the mental capacity to break through glass ceilings and reach 7-figure success

  • Plus more!

Goal Mastery

  • Goal mastery like the ABCs (Athletes, Billionaires and Companies)

  • Set and track goals to make your freelancer dreams a reality

  • Plan your path to a 6-figure/year income and stay accountable to ensure it happens

  • Optimize your day, week and year to maximize your success 

  • And much more!

Learning Mastery

  • Why most people stop learning… and how it hurts them

  • Train your brain to learn skills 10X faster

  • How to use what you learn to be more successful in your freelance career

  • Become the smartest person in any room (the key to next-level success)

  • And more!


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

Plus Sign Up In And You’ll Receive These 4 Awesome Bonuses Worth $3,349

Private Mastermind Group

Throughout the entire course, you will have access to a private group where the Alux. com team will personally answer your questions. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to share ideas and network with other like-minded freelancers!

Normally $1000 FREE
Normally $1000 FREE
Normally $1500 FREE

Private Live Coaching Sessions With Industry Experts

We want to give you the opportunity to learn from experienced freelancers who can give you personalized feedback and reveal exactly what clients are looking for in your industry. This is an incredible opportunity to learn from people who know what it takes to make $10,000s/month from freelancing!

Normally $1500 FREE

6 Months Of FREE Access To Our Revolutionary App

The Alux app is like a mentor, teacher, and coach in your pocket. Using 10-minute micro-sessions from researchers, doctors, philosophers, neuroscientists and executive coaches, you’ll grow the critical traits you need for an abundant life. Supercharge your productivity, increase your intelligence, create more meaningful relationships and unlock unbridled happiness!

Normally $600 FREE
Normally $600 FREE
Normally $249 FREE

Bitcoin Essentials Course

Gain a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most explosive industries in the world. You’ll understand how Blockchain and Bitcoin work… and learn how to safely invest your increased freelancer income in Cryptocurrency so you can skyrocket your net worth!

Normally $249 FREE

Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

Earn At Least $14,000 Freelancing Within The First 90 Days… Or Your Money Back!

Freelance Mastery isn’t untested “guru theory” from an unproven expert standing in front of a rented Lambo. This is a tried-and-tested framework that took the “7-figure Side Hustler” from 600 to 1,004,800… and it’s been used by 1027 everyday Americans to earn up to $135,200 per year and eventually leave their shitty 9-5.

So we can say with absolute certainty that within 90 days of implementing this proven system, you’ll have earned $14,000 (but probably more) so that it pays for itself (10 times over!). And in the extremely unlikely event you haven’t… we’ll refund every dollar you paid. You get to keep all the information, without paying for it, so it’s completely risk-free!


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!


Enrol In Freelance Mastery Now For $1,249…. Earn $135,200/Year Working When You Want From Home & Leave Your 9-5 In 90 Days!

Get instant access to the proven framework now at this huge discount and we’ll give you access to 4 incredible bonuses for FREE. This is the best deal we have EVER offered on our Freelance Mastery Course. It ends at 11:59 pm on the final day of so you need to be quick!

Remember: You can learn how to become a 6-figure freelancer risk-free! If you don’t earn more than $14,000 within 90 days, we’ll refund every cent you paid – no hard feelings.


Earn Your First $14,000 Within 90 Days Or Your Money Back! PLUS, Sign Up In And Get 4 Free Bonuses Worth $3,349!

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Who is Freelance Mastery Course for?

Freelance Mastery Course is for any full-time professional who wants to transition from a 9-5 job to a freelance career. As long as you have a skill people will pay money for, we can help you turn it into a lucrative income (even if you’re not that good at it). Common skills of people who take the course include:

  • Consulting
  • Accounting
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography/Videography
  • SEO
  • Website Development
  • Content Creation
  • Copywriting
  • Growth Marketing
  • Teaching
Do I need any prior experience or reviews to get started?

No, you don't need any prior reviews or experience as a freelancer to start. The course is designed for new freelancers and provides guidance on how to attract clients, build a portfolio, and price your services.

How is this different from other online courses?

Freelancer Mastery isn’t based on untested theories or generic information. It is a proven framework that has been carefully constructed by our "7-figure Side Hustler" who has achieved tremendous success as a freelancer. The same system has been used by over 1,027 new freelancers to quit their 9-5 jobs and earn substantial incomes.


We cover everything you need to take a skill and turn it into a profitable freelance career. You’ll receive step-by-step guidance to help you avoid common mistakes, find clients, build a portfolio, and charge what you're worth. This comprehensive approach covers not only the practical aspects of freelancing… but also focuses on mindset, goal-setting, and continuous learning to ensure your long-term success!

How long does it take to replace my 9-5 job? 

Freelance Mastery aims to help you replace your 9-5 job within 90 days. By following the step-by-step system and implementing the strategies taught in the course, you can accelerate your path to financial independence and hit the ‘eject’ button on your soulless 9-5 job.

Is there a guarantee for earning a specific income?

Yes, we guarantee you’ll earn at least $14,000 within the first 90 days of completing the course. If you don't achieve this, you’ll receive a full refund of your investment (making the course 100% risk-free!).

Is there ongoing support after enrolling in the course?

Yes, you’ll have access to a private group where the Alux team will personally answer your questions. Additionally, the course offers coaching sessions with experienced freelancers to provide personalized feedback and help fast-track your progress.